Practicing Ahimsa (Non-Harming) on Earth Day

Yoga is your union with yourself and all that is around you. It is practicing to be sensitive enough so that you feel the oneness. 

The Earth is our - ALL of OUR - home. We must love, nurture and care for it just as it loves, nurtures and cares for us.

Today is Earth Day. It is a day to be mindful about how you, as a yoga practitioner, relate to the earth.

Does your lifestyle support helping or hurting the earth?

A waterless waterfall in Shenandoah National Park in 2021.

Respecting, honoring and caring for the earth are all part of your yoga practice. We are a part of nature, not separate from it. The Earth allows us to ground and center through our Root Chakra located at the base of your spine.  

The first Yama, Ahimsa, is Non-Harming. It is the foundation of your yoga practice. 

Practice Ahimsa with the Earth on Earth Day. 

Sun Salutations on the rocks of the James River

A few ideas:

  • Take a mindful walk in nature being present in the moment.

  • Sit on a park bench and be aware of your surroundings - just be.

  • Sit comfortably outdoors in a peaceful setting and contemplate or meditate.

  • Plant a garden or help a friend with their garden.

  • Eat in season organic food that you buy from local farmers.

  • Go outside and breathe in the fresh air deep to fill your lungs.

Your yoga journey is not just about doing specific yoga practices. It includes using what you learn from those practices in your normal life. Nature, the environment and the world are all a part of us and we are a part of them…

Seeking that union with nature, using your yoga practices and lessons, is a wonderful way to honor the Earth on Earth Day.



Harmony & Balance