About Us

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Different Practices - Same Path

There are many similarities between yoga, qigong and the traditional martial arts. They can make you healthier. They can make you more flexible. They can make you more aware of the normal things that you take for granted in your life.

One of the most important things that they can all do is to help you manage your energy so that you can live a more fulfilling life. You can learn how to summon the energy and focus to accomplish tasks when you need to as well as the calming energy of rest to relax and recharge.

After many years of personal practice in different disciplines, the Yoga Journey Wisdom team came together to share some of the things that they have learned over their combined 100 years + of dedication to their personal practices. These practices have helped them stay healthy, improve their lives and be happy. The mental and emotional benefits they get from these practices are much greater than the immense physical and health benefits that they enjoy from them.


You are Your Energy and … Your Energy is You